w wanchi



I have a question abour rule AD0124: For a given value of parameter code (PARAMCD), all values of parameter catetgory y (PARCATy) should be the same


My LB data have both Biochemistry - Glucose and Urinalysis - Glucose test, and I write these two data as below:


Urinalysis - Glucose test: PARAMCD=GLUC, PARCAT1=URINALYSIS

However, it showed the message rule AD0124. May I ask that  how can I resolve this error message?

Is the PARAMCD=GLUC not appropriate? Thank you very much.

Any suggestion is appreciated.


Best regards,


Forums: ADaM

s Sergiy
on March 12, 2012

Hi Wanchi, 

Why do you not use more descriptive values for PARAMCD. E.g., GLUC_C, GLUC_U, GLUCCHEM, GLUCURIN, etc? 



d Dirk
on April 5, 2012

Hi all,

PARCATy is not desrcibed in much detail in the ADaM IG, however, when I read the description, which is (ADaM IG, page 27, table

A categorization of PARAM. For example, value of PARCAT1 might group the parameters having to do with a particular questionnaire, lab specimen type, or area of investigation.


From the above I consider it as a GROUPING of parameters, not a SPLITTING thereoff... That is a first reason not to use PARCATy here.

Additionally I agree with Sergiy's proposal, the GLUC code (LBTESTCD) as found in the SDTM for multiple specimens (LBSPEC: "URINE", "BLOOD") should not be translated as a copy into ADaM, rather be more descriptive in the PARAM variable (e.g. PARAM: "Blood Glucose (unit)" and "Urine Glucose (unit)" *): Now having a more descriptive (and two distinct) PARAM will also require you to have distinct PARAMCD values for these (because this needs to be a one-to-one map, e.g. PARAMCD: GLUCU and GLUCB).

An additional good reason for doing it this way is that you can avoid Value Level Metadata nesting in the ADaM define.xml which makes life somewhat easier.


* Now when I wrote the " (unit)" in the PARAM variable above, the following occured to me, which is thé reason to have distinct PARAMCDs here: You are reauired to have the units present in PARAM which forces you to separate the PARAMCD for this information because there must be (as stated in the ADaM IG for the PARAMCD variable in table a 1-1 relationship between PARAM and PARAMCD.

The unit (and more) requirement for PARAM is stated here, page 27 of ADaM IG v1.0, table

PARAM must include test, units (if appropriate), specimen type, location, position, and any other applicable qualifying information needed, any additional information such as transformation function, and indeed any text that is needed. PARAM may be longer than 40 characters in length.


I hope this explains what Sergiy suggests.

Good luck!


[Obviously I could be wrong, don't shoot me then, but do tell me, :-) ]

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