p Priya



I generated define.xml in P21 community version. I added suppae.qnam in codelist tab with code=AETRTEM and decode = "Treatment Emergent Flag". I have valuelevel as suppae.qnam.eq.aetrtem and I have the same in whereclause too. But, the label doesn't get displayed in define.xml. It works fine for --TESTCDs only QNAMs have issues. Please let me know what I am doing wrong. How do I fix it?




Forums: Define.xml

j Jozef
on October 19, 2018

Hi Prya,
Does it not show in the browser-view of the define.xml? Or is it not present in the define.xml?
People must really start understanding that what they see in the browser is NOT the define.xml, it is a VIEW on the define.xml.
Define.xml is a machine-readable specification of the metadata of a submission. It is made human-readable through a stylesheet.

In the case it is not present in the define.xml, you can always still add it using a simple XML-aware editor like NotePad++.

Please feel always free to contact me for further details.


l Lex
on October 20, 2018

The label of a standard or non-standard variable is defined by the Description child element of the ItemDef element. The metadata for a standard or non-standard variable is consistently defined in the ItemDef element. So, the logical place to look for a variable label is the ItemDef/Description element, whether the variable is standard or non-standard.


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