b Bedeoan


Hello all,

I was wondering how "special chars" (e.g. ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8) like öäüéàè are represented in .xpt files (which support just ASCII from what I know) and if there are any validation rules that check the .xpt's content to be plain ASCII.



Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on April 19, 2012


1. I do not know a good answer to your question. It depends on particular applications, intended use, etc. 

2. There is a check SD1029 (non-ASCII chars), which is limited to SDTM variables, which can be used as variable names or labels (--TEST, --QLABEL, --PARM, --TESTCD, QNAM, --PARMCD).

"Variables value must not include non-ASCII or non-printable characters (outside of 32-127 ASCII code range), limited to variables which values may be converted into new variable name or label (--TEST, --TESTCD, --PARM, --PARMCD, QLABEL, QNAM)"



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