Forums: Define.xml
Current version of define.xml cannot handle value-level specific codelists. You need to wait for a final release of the define.xm v.2 standard, which is scheduled by the end of the year.
Meanwhile, the only available option is to use combined codelists with all possible values forparticular variables regardles of values in other related variables. There are no nested codelist in the define.xml v.1 standard.
When I tried to validate SDTM data with a define.xml, Warning (CT0024: Value for SCSTRESC not found in (MARISTAT) CT codelist) came out.
How should I make define.xml to resolve this warning?
The MARISTAT codelist (MARRIED etc.) is nested in CT codelist(SCCD) where SCTESTCD=MARISTAT.
Does OpenCDISC check the nested part of define.xml?
*Similar warning occurred in TSGRPID also.
Please advise.