i igor


Hi Team,

Is there a way to add second, third etc VLM within domain using Pinnacle21 define.xml genarator?  It looks like ID column of the WhereClause tab of the spec is completely ignored by generator and instead the variable column used to generate ID within define.xml. The thing is that if I want to, e.g. , create VLM for LBORRES, where LBTESTCD EQ INR, and for LBSTRESC where LBTESTCD EQ INR, the variable column in the spec will be the same (LBTEST) for both VLMs and as a result in define.xml where clauses will be duplicated.


For example:
Here is how it is defined in the spec (notice that ID column is different for LBORRES and LBSTRESC):

Define spec


And here is how it is displayed in define.xml.:

generated difine.xml





Forums: Define.xml

a Amy
on May 20, 2019

Hi Igor -


I've logged a ticket to fix the strange behaviour you are seeing around duplicate where clauses with unique WhereClauseIDs.

As a temporary workaround, you need to (1) remove one of the duplicate where clauses (lines 23-25 or 239-240) and (2) reference the same WhereClauseID on multiple variables as applicable (in this case, looks like LBORRES and LBSTRESC). This will resolve the issue.


Thanks, A.

i igor
on May 20, 2019

Thank you, Amy

Actually exactly the same issue was in previous version of Pinnacle21 community. Hope this will be resolved. 


c Cedric
on June 6, 2019

Hello, would it be related to the issue: https://www.pinnacle21.com/forum/pinnacle21-community-30-duplicate-itemoid-issue

I have been struggling with creating VLM in P21 Community v3.0.0 and could not find workarounds. I have tried with unique or duplicate WhereClause but none work. The issue seems not to be with the WhereClauses but with the VLM part.

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