c Chen


We added PRMODIFY in the study and assign the label as "Modified Reported Name". We created define 2.0 firstly and validate it, DD0137 didn't appear. However, after updating the define version from 2.0 to 2.1, then validate define 2.1, we got the issue "DD0137: Invalid variable label value". To solve it, we have to update the label as "Modified Treatment Name".

It seems that define 2.0 and 2.1 use different SDTM to check variable's label. Could you please me know which version SDTM used separately

Besides, I still have a unsolved same issue for GFTSTDTL (label is "Measurement, Test, or Examination Detail"), we added it according to SDTM IG 3.4. And we also specify GF domain as SDTMIG 3.4 in define 2.1. But it still have this issue "DD0137: Invalid variable label value". Why?

Forums: Define.xml

on June 24, 2024

Hello Chen,


I will follow up with you in our dedicated Support desk for Enterprise related questions.


Kind regards,


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