Forums: Define.xml
This is the classifying mantra I use when giving training:
Interventions always have a treatment (--TRT variable) given,
Findings always have a test (--TEST variable) performed,
Events always have a term (--TERM variable) to report.
In short: the topic variable tells you what domain class you are in, I do not know about how OpenCDISC works with 100% certainty, but I suspect this is probably also based on this mantra...
Dirk you are correct sir, with 1 minor supplement that TESTCD is the topic variable (not TEST)
ItemGroupOID | KeyVariables (topic) |
I created a Define.xml using an OpenCDISC Validator. If there are any new domains like SG(Surgery),ML(Meals) etc. which are not in SDTMIG 3.1.2 and OpenCDISC's config file(config 3.1.2.xml) then how OpenCDISC Validator will classify them as Events or Interventions or Findings or Observations etc...
Thank You,