d David


Is it possible to generate the Define.xml in 2.2.0 using CLI?  I have used:

java -jar \\pinnacle21-community-2-2-0\components\lib\define-generator-1.1.7.jar -template=".......\\ADaM_define_spec_master.xlsx" -destination=".....\\define.xml"

However, I get the warning: -template=".......\\ADaM_define_spec_master.xlsx" is not a valid file (or is inaccessible)

The master template files does exist and the path is correct and when I manually feed this file into P21 I have no issues?


Forums: Define.xml

s Sergiy
on June 27, 2018

Hi David, 

It looks like in addition to incorrect syntax there is also some bug. 

To work around to need to (1) create a folder "define.xml" and (2) do not use name of attributes. 

java -jar \\pinnacle21-community-2-2-0\components\lib\define-generator-1.1.7.jar "...\\ADaM_define_spec_master.xlsx" "...\\define.xml"

Again, note that "define.xml" in this example is a name of folder you should already create. You do not specify a name of define.xml file. It will be auto-generated by the system.



d David
on June 29, 2018

Many thanks for your response!  I am able to generate the define.xml using the CLI.  However, I always get prompted with:

The file ..............\define.xml already exists, overwrite? (Y/N)

This unfortunately requires user input and a break in the automation using SAS.  Is there a possible parameter to input so the JAR assumes Y instead of user input?

g guang
on May 12, 2021

maybe we could move it to archive folder before we produce a new version.  

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