m Monica


Hi all,


I have a few studies that are super old, and we use our very first version of the specs, and generate define.xml version 1.0. I'm trying to validate the define.xml using Pinnacle 21, but the errors and rejects I am seeing I have never seen while using our other validator. Things like: Missing required 'Role' value for 'ItemRef', and Missing Rank value. Does Pinnacle 21 validate Define version 1.0, or do I need to upversion to version 2.0 in order to successfully use Pinnacle 21 validator? Thanks in advance!

Forums: Define.xml

on March 23, 2022

Hi Monica, 

Yes, Pinnacle 21 Validator still supports Define-XML 1.0 standard.

You have a missing value (a whitespace symbol) for Role attribute.


I would recommend to not use Role attribute in your define.xml file as useless information for practical needs.

For example, on line 1000 instead of

<ItemRef ItemOID="ADAE.AEACN" OrderNumber="27" Mandatory="Yes" Role=" "></ItemRef>

use this:

<ItemRef ItemOID="ADAE.AEACN" OrderNumber="27" Mandatory="Yes"></ItemRef>

Kind Regards,

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