r Rob


In validation checks V1.2 checks 184 - 193 stipulate that the lowercase y in a variable name (e.g. SITEGRy) should be a single digit. I am wondering if this rule only applies to the variables mentioned in the "Machine-Testable Failure Criteria column? Or also to the CRITy variable. I have 2 reasons for asking:

1. In some cases we have more than 10 CRIT flags in our dataset

2. For standardization of specs we like to create a library from which the user can select the appropriate CRIT variable without having to change the variable name and TLF specs.




Forums: ADaM

r Rob
on March 28, 2014

I just found in the webinar from 21 march 2014 that indeed the y variable will be allowed to go to 99 and that gaps in the numbering are allowed.


m Michael
on April 1, 2014

the ADaM IG 1.0 still states y should be [1-9].    Can you provide the link or text from the webinar ?   Are you talking about the Mar 20, 2014 webinar listed here :  http://www.cdisc.org/archived-events#1117



  •  The letters “xx” in a variable name (e.g., TRTxxP, APxxSDT) refer to a specific period where “xx” is replaced with a zero-padded two-digit integer [01-99].
  • The lower case letter “y” in a variable name (e.g., SITEGRy) refers to a grouping or other categorization, an analysis criterion, or an analysis range, and is replaced with a single digit [1-9].
  • The lower case letter “zz” in a variable name (i.e., ANLzzFL) is an index for the zzth record selection algorithm where “zz” is replaced with a zero-padded two-digit integer [01-99].


m Michael
on April 3, 2014

We would need to update our specs once the CDISC ADaM team releases the new IG.  However since OpenCDISC validator code and specs are open source and configurable, you can change the requiremint internally to allow 1-99 for the value of y.

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