Hi Jeroen,
This is a value rounding issue. Each system has different settings.
For example, as a test I used Windows Calculator and got "-0.02193008336988". MS Excel produced "-0.021929881".
P21 validation engine is still not smart enough to handle such cases. We are working on tuning it. Meanwhile, consider this as a false-positive message.
Sorry for inconvenience,
Dear all,
I get error PCHG != (AVAL - BASE)/BASE * 100 for following values:
AVAL = 0.049473684200
BASE = 0.049484536100
PCHG = -0.021929881200
In the report I get following details: PCHG, AVAL, BASE : -0.02192988, 0.04947368, 0.04948454.
Is it possible that the validator first rounds AVAL and BASE to 8 decimals before determining PCHG?
Why is this rounding done? It causes false errors in the report.
Thanks for looking into this.