j Joan


Our ADSL dataset runs through fine using v1.4.1 without a define.xml, and with v1.3 either with or without a define.xml attached.  However, once the define is attached to the ADaM structure checks for 1.4.1, using the identical database, this error comes up for every subject.  I wonder if it is a bug.

AD0084 - TRTEDT not equal the max TRxxEDT on this record

The error detail comes up showing this in the report for "Variables" column in the Details tab: 


However, that is the wrong comparison: we have 2 periods so the validator should check our TR02EDT value against the TRTEDT and then the dates are a match.

Not sure what anomaly is tripping this up: we have a) end date and b) end date/time and c) end time for the full study (we have TRTEDT, TRTETM and TRTEDTM) but for the sub-periods we don't report time separately (we don't have TR02ETM), we only have the date and date/time.  We use the same strucure for the start (we don't report start time separately for the individual periods). This construction should be permitted, it seems.

The clue to me is that the file runs through okay --  except when define.xml is added (1.4.1).  Why won't it compare against the TR02EDT value and find the match?  The define includes all the variables.

It would be great and helpful if this check can be fixed.

Thank you,



Forums: ADaM

m Michael
on January 30, 2014

The easiest way to solve this is to provide us the define.xml and the minimum set of files and records (feel free to mask the study and usubjid) so that we can run validator on our end with ability to use debug-step-through techniques. 

d David
on March 26, 2014

We are seeing the same thing where our max TRxxEDT is TR03EDT.    Thank you.


m Michael
on March 26, 2014

I forgot to repost my email to Joan here.   


The problem is that when you submit a define.xml, some rules require that the involved variables are present in our OpenCDISC config-adam-1.0.xml.  The workaround is to validate your data by adding the entries manually to your config-adam-1.0.xml.    The issue will be corrected in next release

<ItemRef ItemOID="ADSL.TR01EDT" OrderNumber="56" Mandatory="No" Role="Trial Dates" val:Core="Expected"/>

<ItemRef ItemOID="ADSL.TR02EDT" OrderNumber="99" Mandatory="No" Role="Trial Dates" val:Core="Expected"/>

<ItemDef OID="ADSL.TR01EDT" Name="TR01EDT" DataType="integer" def:Label="Date of Last Exposure in Period 01"/>

<ItemDef OID="ADSL.TR02EDT" Name="TR02EDT" DataType="integer" def:Label="Date of Last Exposure in Period 02"/>

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