
OpenCDISC Validator is ready for download!

November 1, 2008

Hi everyone, The OpenCDISC Validator's initial release is finally ready! Download OpenCDISC Validator Alpha now! The OpenCDISC Validator Alpha handles approximately 70% of documented validation rules, which are included in 3 flavors: Janus v0.1, WebSDM v2.6, and a hybrid of the two. We are looking forward to your feedback. We are especially interested in the following:

  1. What validation rules do you need, other than what is defined by Janus Draft Validation Specification v0.1 or WebSDM v2.6 Validation Checks?
  2. How do you like the format of the Validator's output? Does it meet you needs?
  3. How do you see yourself using the tool? As a standalone tool, or as an integrated part of your system?

Please feel free to share your feedback on our Forum, send as a private message using the Contact form, or just leave a comment below.


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