d David


While there has been some discussion of this in the error and troubleshooting as well as the SDTM side, I wanted to share an experience on the ADaM validation.

What fixed it is below...

No report was generated:

The following was generated in the dialog window:

 at java.util.TreeMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.TreeMap.containsKey(Unknown Source)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.report.ExcelReporter.write(ExcelReporter.java:243)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.report.AbstractReporter.write(AbstractReporter.java:112)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:443)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:225)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator.validate(BlockValidator.java:209)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.validate(DefaultValidator.java:419)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.gui.ValidatorClient$ProcessMonitor.run(ValidatorClient.java:1728)

In ADSL, there were missing values in one of the population flags.

OpenCDISC abends with the cryptic explanation above on the missing values in the PPROTFL/PPROTFN pair where only the "Y" (1) was populated.



Forums: ADaM

s Sergiy
on January 3, 2013

Hi David, 

Thank you for your finding! It's definitely a bug, but not "cryptic explanation" ;). We will fix it in a new oncoming release.

Kind Regards, 


m Michael
on January 3, 2013

Hi Dave.  This is a well known issue first reported on May 8, 2012 and resolved on Jun 6th.  Unfortunately all reports of this error have come via email so there was no reference to it on this forum.

You can manually replace ….your ".../validator/config/config-adam-1.0.xml" 

with this file 


Or you can resolve it by changing the Category attribute for AD1003 and AD1004 from Terminology to Presence.  This is the root cause of the problem.    For the excel reports, terminology rules carry a special meaning.   

<val:Required ID="AD1003" Category="Presence"   …  />

<val:Required ID="AD1004" Category="Presence "   …  />




r Riccardo
on March 14, 2013


I have the same problem running OpenCDISC for the validation of AdAM datasets. I replaced the file config-adam-1.0.xml as per your suggestion (from http://svn.opencdisc.org/validator/trunk/config/config-adam-1.0.xml) but the problem still persists.

Have you got any other suggestions?

Thank you.

The error message is:



                at java.util.TreeMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)

                at java.util.TreeMap.containsKey(Unknown Source)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.report.ExcelReporter.write(ExcelReporter.java:243)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.report.AbstractReporter.write(AbstractReporter.java:112)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:443)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:225)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator.validate(BlockValidator.java:209)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.validate(DefaultValidator.java:419)

                at org.opencdisc.validator.gui.ValidatorClient$ProcessMonitor.run(ValidatorClient.java:1728)


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