d Dave


One thought--it would be nice if there were a way to set things up so that multiple versions of OpenCDISC could access the same directory of standard dictionaries and terminology.  Right now our OpenCDISC 1.5 installation has almost 300mb of MedDRA files in Config/Data, and making these files available to our OpenCDISC Community 2.0 installation requires making an additional copy of everything.  (And this is in addition to the copies that live in our standard location for storing our MedDRA dictionaries, which is a completely separate location.)

Forums: Enhancements and Feature Requests

s Sergiy
on February 4, 2015

Hi Dave, 

We do not recommend a usage of outdated versions of OpenCDISC tool. For this reason, the application is not designed to share resources across its different versions.

Kind Regards, 


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