d David


Do you see any reason not to make this change to the application of Rule AD0148 so that negative numbers are recognized as integers?
<val:Regex ID="AD0148" Category="Format" Type="Error" Variable="PARAMN" Test="[0-9]*" Message="PARAMN value must be an integer" Description="Numeric Value of Parameter name (PARAMN) must only contain digits 0-9"/>
<val:Regex ID="AD0148" Category="Format" Type="Error" Variable="PARAMN" Test="[0-9-]*" Message="PARAMN value must be an integer" Description="Numeric Value of Parameter name (PARAMN) must only contain digits 0-9 and can include the - (minus) character which indicates a negative integer"/>
Thank you.


Forums: ADaM

s Sergiy
on January 18, 2013

Hi Dave, 

Thanks for your suggestion! You are correct that negative integer values do not violate a current ADaM check "PARAMN value must be an integer"

The check algorithm should be adjusted as you proposed. However we try to follow original validation check descriptions developed by CDISC ADaM team. Therefore I would modify a current AD0148 check to:

<val:Regex ID="AD0148" Category="Format" Type="Error" Variable="PARAMN" Test="[0-9-]*" Message="PARAMN value is not integer" Description="PARAMN value must be an integer/>

Kind Regards, 

Sergiy Sirichenko

s Sergiy
on January 18, 2013

BWT, why do you need to use negative ineteger values?



m Michael
on April 19, 2013

I'm in the process of evaluating forum posts and was going to implement this change for next version.  however i was also curious as to what the use case is for having PARAMN be negative.

ADaM IG description:  Useful for ordering and programmatic manipulation. There must be a one-to-one mapping with PARAM. Must be an integer.

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