b Bedeoan


Hi all,

I'm getting this Error reported for the following scenario:


1    1    TFCNTRY    Test Facility Country    USA
1    2    TFCNTRY    Test Facility Country    CHE

Do you think it is normal to get this error, that TSSEQ is the same (1) for TFCNTRY when the TSGRPID values are different?

Or should the TSSEQ be increased for each TFCNTRY even if the related TSGRPID are different?

Please also check the example in the SEND standard at page 216.

Best regards,



Forums: SEND

s Sergiy
on August 18, 2014

Hi Amelia, 

I believe it's an error in SEND IG example table.

SDTM IG document explains a usage TSSEQ as similar to other domains, but with uniqueness within TSPARMCD instead of USUBJID (POOLID).

Also see SEND IG page 215: 

"7. The TSSEQ variable is a unique identifier for each record and is Required to identify each record as unique in cases where the same TSPARMCD is used within the dataset. The TSSEQ variable must be populated for all records within the TS dataset. In cases where a TSPARMCD value is only used once, TSSEQ may equal ‘1.’ In cases where a TSPARMCD value is used more than once, TSSEQ may equal ‘1’ in the first record where the TSPARMCD value is used, ‘2’ in the second record where the TSPARMCD value is used, ‘3’ in the third record where the TSPARMCD value is used, etc."

Kind Regards, 



b Bedeoan
on August 21, 2014

So basicly TSSEQ in my example above should be incremented, yes?

s Sergiy
on August 21, 2014


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