m Michael



I'm able to run OpenCDISC on SDTM datasets, without any problems.  However, I'm experiencing difficulties running OpenCDISC to validate ADaM transport files for define.xml.  I've tried a couple different runs: (1) running all ADaM datasets + SDTM DM + SDTM EX.  (2) running just ADSL + SDTM DM + SDTM EX.

Below are the errors encountered for test (2).  Are other SDTM datasets needed besides DM and EX for ADaM OpenCDISC runs?  Any help you can give would be appreciated.  Thanks.


 at java.util.TreeMap.getEntry(Unknown Source)
 at java.util.TreeMap.containsKey(Unknown Source)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.report.ExcelReporter.write(ExcelReporter.java:243)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.report.AbstractReporter.write(AbstractReporter.java:112)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:443)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator$BlockTask.call(BlockValidator.java:225)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.engine.BlockValidator.validate(BlockValidator.java:209)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.DefaultValidator.validate(DefaultValidator.java:419)
 at org.opencdisc.validator.gui.ValidatorClient$ProcessMonitor.run(ValidatorClient.java:1728)

Forums: ADaM

m Michael
on March 7, 2013


This is a well-known issue. Download and use the latest ADaM confiig found here: http://svn.opencdisc.org/validator/trunk/config/config-adam-1.0.xml


Or you can resolve it by changing the Category attribute for AD1003 and AD1004 from Terminology to Presence.  This is the root cause of the problem.    For the excel reports, terminology rules carry a special meaning.  


 <val:Required ID="AD1003" Category="Presence"     />


<val:Required ID="AD1004" Category="Presence "   …  />


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