b Bedeoan


Hi all,

As you know, Define 2.0 specifications were recently released: http://www.cdisc.org/define-xml .

I think OpenCDISC Validator 1.4.1 works with Define-XML 1.0, yes?

Do you think that a next release OpenCDISC Validator will be adapted to work with Define-XML 2.0?

Or better than that, allow support for both 1.0 and 2.0 define versions? I understand that Define-XML 2.0 is not backwardly compatible with Define-XML 1.0.

Best regards,




Forums: SEND

s Sergiy
on September 20, 2013

Hi Amelia,

V1.4.1 does not support define.xml v2.0. You need to wait for release of OpenCDISC v.2.0 later this year.

Kind Regards,


b Bedeoan
on March 17, 2014

Hi all,

I was wondering when the new release will be available for download.

Best regards,



s Sergiy
on September 10, 2014

Hi Amelia, 

A new define.xml tool is now available in Enterprise edition. OpenCDISC Community version 2.0 will include basic functionality and MS Excel interface. If you missed our webinar, see it on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PzYO0YlO0I

Kind Regards, 


s Sergiy
on September 10, 2014

Also you can find additional info and Webinar Q&A on http://www.pinnacle21.net/blog/creating-define-xml-2-0-webinar-recap

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