k Kwabena


I'm trying to validate a sample xpt file but I keep getting this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer.cleaner()Lsun/misc/Cleaner;


What could I be doing wrong?
Here's the command I am executing:

java -jar p21-client-1.0.7.jar --engine.version="FDA 2204.1" --standard=send --standard.version=3.1 --source.send="C:\Users\User\Documents\practice\bw.xpt" --cdisc.ct.send.version=2023-03-31 --report="C:\Users\User\Documents\report.xlsx" --config="C:\Users\User\Documents\Pinnacle 21 Community\configs"


Forums: SEND

k Kwabena
on July 11, 2023

Update to post above

I believe the cli process fails from this point with this error:
2023-07-11 17:47:51 [main] ERROR n.b.api.monitor.segment.Segments - Segments failed
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at net.bootstrap.api.monitor.segment.ValidatorSegment.toMessageBuilder(ValidatorSegment.java:98) ~[p21-client-1.0.7.jar:1.0.7]
        at net.bootstrap.api.monitor.segment.ValidatorSegment.access$0(ValidatorSegment.java:77) ~[p21-client-1.0.7.jar:1.0.7]
        at net.bootstrap.api.monitor.segment.ValidatorSegment$AnalyticsEnqueue.call(ValidatorSegment.java:187) ~[p21-client-1.0.7.jar:1.0.7]
        at net.bootstrap.api.monitor.segment.ValidatorSegment$AnalyticsEnqueue.call(ValidatorSegment.java:1) ~[p21-client-1.0.7.jar:1.0.7]

on July 13, 2023

Hello Kwabena,


The logging indicates that an incorrect version of Java may be installed. CCLI only supports Java 8. I recommend checking the version of Java installed on the machine and if needed, downloading and installing Java 8:



Kind regards,


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