s Snehal


Currently, Pinnacle only checks for non-ASCII data in VLM fields (e.g –TEST, --TESTCD, --PARM, --PARMCD, QLABEL, QNAM). What is your opinion about extending the rule to check ALL data fields for non-ascii characters? Can this be implemented in community version?

Forums: Validation Rule Suggestions

s Sergiy
on January 10, 2017

Hi Shehal, 

Historically, SD1029 check was introduced to be applicable to all character variables as you suggested.

However, there are many valid cases when collected data utilizes special ASCII or Unicode characters specific to non-English languages. Therefore, the original business rule was limit to variables which values may be used as Names and Labels of new variables during transpose process. For example, if you like to convert LB data from vertical to horizontal structure, then you can use values of LBTESTCD as Name and LBTEST as Label of new variables which store LBSTRESN values.

Kind Regards, 


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